Intimate piercing lady gaga

Too often, paparazzi capture photos of celebs exposing themselves, hopefully unintentionally. The most recent celeb to show a little too much is Lady Gaga, and she showed a little too much!
Gaga stepped out in New York wearing one of her (many) creatively crazy outfits. Huge clunky red boots, a red masquerade mask, a slinky red slit dress complete with huge puffy sleeves, and a genital piercing.
Apparently, yes. Lady Gaga's red dress was slit so far up the middle that she exposed her genitals, only slightly. Obviously, she had forgotten to wear any underwear, but with a dress so high slit, how could you forget?!
Was this just one of Gaga's attention-grabbing ploys? Her Jo Calderone bit at the MTV VMAs wasn't received well by everyone, so maybe this was a new stunt?
Who knows. What is certain is that all of those rumors about Lady Gaga and her gender should (finally) be put to rest.

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